- ION vs Silver Surfer
- Spectre vs. Dark Phoenix
- Could Cap take Hulk's head off
- pre-crisis/prime Superman & Superman1M vs Thanos & Odin
- Arkon vs Deathstroke
- Cheeta vs Tigra
- The Prometheon vs Classic Juggernaut
- Despero runs the gauntlet
- Orion and Takion vs. Thor And Silver Surfer
- Homer Simpson vs Peter Griffin vs American dad
- Walker runs a short gauntlet
- Joker vs Daredevil
- Thor, Sersi, and Silver Surfer vs Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash
- Beyonder (the one,at the Secret Wars) vs. Full powered Galactus
- Namor (fresh out from the water) vs. Current She Hulk
- Anti-Monitor and Imperiex Prime vs Marvel Earth
- Penance Stare
- Gravity and Spiderman v.s Major Force
- Couples ( Guys and Gals Duke it out against other guys and gals)
- Radioactive Man & Nuklo vs Current Iceman
- Ikaris,Sersi & Thena vs Vulcan,Sentry & High Evo no holds barred
- Professor Zoom & Walter West vs. Darkseid
- Lucifer/Michael vs. Living Tribunal/Spectre
- Superman vs. Hulk w/Juggernaut Crystal
- Black Panther vs. Killer Croc
- Firestorm vs Wonderman (Ionic Form)
- Strange Vs Sliver Surfer
- Metamorpho v Crystal
- Ghost Rider vs Toxin
- Superboy Kon-El vs. Nova
- Blackbolt vs. Ironman
- Flash versus Hyper Sonic
- High Father/Darkseid vs. Zeus/Odin
- Magical Might Vs. Alien Might
- Stephen Strange vs Adam Warlock
- Sentry vs. Superman 1M
- Marvel Earth Vs The Infinity Crusaders
- Hell in a Cell match
- captain marvel (mar-vell) v.s. adam warlock
- Prometheus vs Captian America
- Hercules vs. Titania
- The most underrated Marvel-villain - HULK KILLER HUMANOID
- Apocalypse vs Onslaught/Magneto & Professor X version
- Stranger,Ego & Numinus vs ???
- Team H VS Team V
- Omega Red vs Karate Kid
- Hyperstorm vs Strange Visitor and then Kismet
- Black Adam (Fully Powered) vs Sentry
- Juggernaut vs Sundown
- Apocalypse runs the gauntlet
- Dr Doom vs Dr. Octopus
- Injustice Gang vs X-men
- Hyuga Neji (vs) Sabaku no Gaara
- Luck of the Draw
- Phoenix vs Franklin Richards (full potential)
- Captain Marvel II & Bannerless Hulk vs Green Lantern(Kyle) & Lobo
- Marvel Villians Team VS JLA
- Classic Spider-Man & Rhino vs Abomination
- Shazam the Wizard vs Godlike Wolverine
- Marvel Rap Battle
- Sexiest female Hero/villain
- Superman Versus Batman - Trash Talking contest
- Marvel Team vs. DC Team
- Immortal Hercules vs. Gladiator (full confident,no speed advantage)
- The Ray II/Thor/Cyborg Superman vs. Silver Surfer/Green Lantern (Hal)/Maxima
- batman vs predator vs alien
- Yuga Khan vs Atum the god eater
- Ra's al Ghul vs Daredevil
- Thanos with every superhero accessory vs. Galactus
- black bolt vs superman
- Surtur/w Twilight Sword,Thanos/w Cosmic Cube & Quasar/Starbrand vs Lucifer
- Monky D Luffy vs Mr. Fantastic
- DOOM vs Thanos vs Batman vs Mr Fantastic vs Lex Luthor vs Brainiac
- Emperor Plapatine vs Shadow King
- Team 1 vs Team 2
- Wolverine vs Sephiroth (i don't have a clue)
- Marvel Villains Team Vs the JLA
- Morningstarīs runs the Gauntlet
- Hyperstorm,Current Thanos & Runner vs ???
- tyrant vs mangog
- Juggernaut vs Black Adam
- Black Bolt's Scream
- doomsday v.s. lobo
- Green goblin vs Dr Freeze
- Civil War: What side are you on!
- MY Avengers run the guantlet
- Thanos w/ IG vs the brothers Morningstar -- Thanos w/ HotI vs the Great Evil Beast.
- crystal VS iron-man
- Apokalips vs. New Genesis
- gorgon vs cap america
- A punch from Superman.
- magneto prime v.s. silver surfer
- You versus Silver Surfer, Superman
- Founding JLA vs. New JLA
- Thanos with Uni-Power runs the gauntlet
- Rhino vs. Neron
- Wolverine vs. Red Superman
- Wolverine vs Thanos(h2h)
- Mister Sinister & Magneto vs Captain Marvel
- Psylocke vs Venom
- Forgotten One & IM Hercules vs Thor & Beta Ray Bill
- Doomsday VS Grey Hulk
- Superman vs Wizard,Occulus & Armin Zola
- Odin, Surtur, & Ymir (vs) Galactus
- Blue Superman VS Vulcan
- thor, savage hulk, classic juggs, and herc v.s. The Champion
- Doc Samson vs Solomon Grundy
- Karate Kid,Lady Shiva Woosan, andBatgirl Run the Guantlet
- Classic Juggernaut and The Maestro vs. King Thor
- Colossus and Current Thing vs. Immortal Hercules (his strongest Incarnation)
- Colossus vs Bravado(Blader Blake)
- Neron vs Mephisto
- Post Crisis Darskeid & Asgardian Destroyer vs Current Thanos & Morg(WOL)
- Hulk vs. Shatterstar
- Hellion vs. Cannonball
- Wonder Man vs. Mr. Sinister
- Warpath vs. Rhino
- Black Zero & Superboy Prime run the gauntlet
- Thor VS The Thing, Doc Sampson & Colossus (Hand to hand only)
- Urizen vs Asgardian Destroyer(Thor in controll)
- Rogue vs Luke Cage with a twist
- Gorrila Grodd vs Prof. X
- CURRENT Juggernaut vs. Hercules
- Solomon Grundy vs. Immortal Hercules
- Onslaught vs Imperiex Prime
- wolverine, daredevil vs captain america, deadpool
- Alucard vs JLA
- Ultimate Doom versus Movie Doom
- Ghostrider vs Hulk
- Cptain Atom v.s Major Force and Kon-el
- Wolverine/Iron Fist vs. Shang Chi/Stick
- Who does Wonderwoman choose? Batman vs Superman
- Ultimate Spider-man and Wolverine Vrs Superman
- Marvel/Ares vs Savage Hulk
- Sandman Vs Mr. Fantasic
- Runner and Silver Surfer vs. Hal Jordan and Superman
- Mindless Hulk vs. Solomon Grundy w/ Chaos Magic
- DOS Doomsday vs Apocalypse
- Solomon Grundy vs.
- Adam warlock vs The incredible Hulk?
- The Hunt is on
- Superman Blue vs Mr. Majestic.
- FULL Potential Captain Atom runs the guantlet
- Statesman vs Hulk
- 5 teen titans vrs 5 cartoon cartoon charcters
- kraven vs puma vs sabertooth vs kazar vs wolverine (bone claw)
- Who is the ultimate hero/villain or species
- Blue Devil vs. Hellboy
- Warrior Madness Thor vs. Mr. Majestic
- Worst cat-fight ever.
- Kid Miracle Man vs. Captain Marvel
- gladiator v.s. superman blue
- Carnage vs Omega Red
- Apollo vs Kalibak
- Bodycounts vs. Bodycounts
- Superman and Gladiator vs Count Nefaria and Apollo
- Nate Grey/Sersi vs. Hal Jordan/Maxima
- Agent Zero,Cannonball & Strong Guy run the gauntlet
- Morg/Gladiator/Hulkvs. Doomsday/Superman/LOBO
- onslaught v.s. pre-crisis superman
- Kingpin invades gotham
- Perrikus vs. Kalibak
- Polaris & Magneto vs. King Thor
- pre-crisis superman v.s. classic juggernaut
- Hellboy vs Nova
- Immortal Hercules,Apollo & Hermes vs Death of Superman Doomsday
- Meggan vs Super Adaptoid
- Eradicator vs JLA with a twist
- Well Written Toad vs Iron Fist
- Phoenix vs Superman AND WonderWoman
- 616 wolverine vs Ult Wolverine H2H
- Flash vs Hulk
- Telepathy vs Psionic Manipulation
- Wonderman vs Jonn
- Eradicator vs. Silver Surfer
- 2nd age spawn vs rune king thor
- simon cowell vs. chef ramsey
- Black Bolt vs The Hulk?
- Onslaught vs Goku?
- Validus vs Mangog
- Sentinel Alan & Kilowog & Sinestro vs. King Thor
- Half Powered Galactus runs the gauntlet
- Blue Energy Superman vs. Random MArvel Team
- wolverine vs sasquatch
- Thanos vs Count Nefaria
- Lobo vs Terrax the Tamer
- Dr. Doom vs. Loki
- Wonderwoman Vs Absorbing Man
- Wolverine vs. SpiderMan
- X-Man (Nate Grey) vs. The Runner
- IMMORTAL HERCULES vs. Silver Surfer
- Fire Lord, Iceman, Crystal, and Storm Make a move to take over DC's New york City
- Superman vs Power Girl, Supergirl, and Superboy
- Neron vs Korvac
- Superboy and Wonder Girl vs ThunderStrike
- Batman/V/The Punisher vs 75 GCPD SWAT team members
- Captain Marvel II(Monica Rambeau) vs Black Bolt,Ice Man & Magneto
- Thor, Wonder Woman, Spawn vs. Captain Marvel, Beta Ray bill, Darkness
- captain atom vs martian manhunter
- batman vs Mister Terrific
- Bloodlust On Marv vs Worf
- Abysss vs Parallax
- magneto v.s. wolverine (hahaha)
- classic juggernaut v.s. classic silver surfer
- Loki/Circe vs. Thor/ Wonder Woman
- Midnighter vs Data in a calculations contest
- Doctor Doomsday,Thanoseid & Captain Marvel (Amalgam Comics) vs Odin,Zeus & Ares
- Vulcan (Gabriel Summers) vs Gladiator
- A Huge battle Galactus vs ???
- Gog vs Darkseid
- Cap and his cohorts take on the 'Play god' gauntlet
- Marvel/DC Brothers vs Marvel and DC
- Overtkill,Tremor & Cy-Gor vs Agent Zero,Armored Spider-Man & War Wolverine
- Colossus and Current Juggernaut vs. Savage Hulk and Hercules
- IMMORTAL HERCULES vs. Classic Juggernaut and Abomination
- Zzzax vs Black Bolt
- Pc Mongul, Pc Darkseid, Magento Vs Rtk Thor Orion/ With New God Tec, Genis-vell.
- Pre Crisis Superman vs Magni,Sinister Supreme Hyperion & Beta Ray Bill
- the joker vs the kingpin
- Storm vs Phoenix
- Hercules vs Magni
- Supermans Power rate vs Hulk's Power Rate
- The most powerful Marvel character???
- Storm vs Wonder Woman
- Black Bolt vs. Magneto
- Sentry vs. Superman
- Batman vrs Magneto in a video game of Halo
- Superman all star vrs Hal Jordan
- Doomsday vs Silver Surfer
- classic juggernaut v.s. gladiator /w/ uni-power!
- Parallax (Hal Jordan) & Ion (Kyle) vs. ???
- Black Bolt vs Omega Red
- omega iceman vs silver sulfer
- Pre-crisis Superman w/ Sword versus Superman Prime
- Most powerful of the fantastic four
- arch nemesis battle royal
- batman gauntlet
- Dr. Strange Versus Shazam
- Combat speed vs Moving speed
- morlun vs wolverine
- Vulcan vs. Superman
- Superman Prime & All-Star Superman vs. this team
- Spidey / Cap / Daredevil (VS.) Blade / Beast / Black Panther
- superman vs firestorm
- Thor (vs) Vulcan
- Emma Frost vs Psylocke
- Goku vs Superman
- Pre-Crisis Superman vs ????