- Spidervenom vs. Spidercarnage
- Haaa!!!!! I smell loophole!
- Mystique/Pyro/Toad vs. Magneto
- Dr. Strange vs. Wendigo
- Hal Jordan versus Hyperstorm
- Silver Surfer Vs Uber Team
- magneto , God-Like cable vs kyle , hal (GL's)
- Lady Shiva vs Deathstroke
- Thor vs. Longshot
- Thor vs. Mr. Sinister
- Bucky vs Nightwing RESPECT BUCKY!!!
- Weird al yakonavic versus BATMAN
- Sorry .. a question.. what is,when i am a senior member here ???
- Odin vs Swamp-Thing
- Hulk has held a whole mountain on his back .... who could do this also?
- Tiger Shark vs. Namor, the Sub-Mariner
- Wonderman vs. The Abomination
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID vs. The Fantastic Four,Hercules,Thor
- Dr. Doom VS. Doomsday
- Sandman Vs Promethea
- Savage Hulk at peak of rage vs Maestro vs 8th day Juggernaut vs adamantium Colossus
- beserk wolverine vs. sasquatch
- Abraxas VS Sentry
- Classic Rogue vs. Warbird
- Classic Rogue vs. Power Girl
- Icon vs. Captain Mrvel
- Fast food melee, (sort of).
- Shazam Vs Thor
- He-Man vs. Hulk Ki11er Humanoidz
- Orion vs. Count Nefaria
- Count Nefaria vs. Captain Marvel
- Rogue vs. Thor
- Gladiator herald of galactus+the kryptonian VS. the keeper
- Wolverine, Daredevil and Captain America vs 1,500 normal guys.
- Shazam vs Silver Surfer
- 10 Wolverines vs Shazam
- Who can kill superman
- Wonder Woman vs Wonder Man
- who can take savage hulk
- Apocalypse vs Scarlet Witch
- Doogie Howser, M.D. vs Wolverine
- Odin (Sky Father) vs. Darkseid (pre-crisis)
- Deadpool versus Wolverine
- Spider-Man vs. the Thing
- Fantastic Four vs. Tiger Shark,Wrecker,Absorbing Man,Mr. Hyde,Bulldozer
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID vs. Asgardian Destroyer, Odin, Thor
- Shaggy Man vs Doomsday during the Hunter/Prey
- The Shaggy Man vs. the Fantastic Four
- Marvel vs. DC vs. Indies tournament drafting
- Is The Hulk Killer Humanoid Unstoppable ???
- Can Superman stop the ... HULK KILLER HUMANOID ???
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID ... plays in another league !
- Karate Kid vs. Wolverine
- val armorr v slade
- Wolfsbane vs. Hawkeye
- who can put the most power in a fist , when pounding in ground ?
- Invisible Woman vs. the Hulk
- Full angry,total out of controll Hulk vs. Wonderman
- Trion Juggernaut vs. Full powered god like Hercules
- Trion Juggernaut vs. a total mindless out of controll Green Hulk
- Is Trion Juggernaut the most powerful incarnation of Juggernaut?
- Hulk Killer Humaniod VS Eight Day Juggernaut AND War Hulk PLUS Trion Juggernaut
- HULK(E.Bana)Spider-Man(T.Maguire)vs.Superman(B.Routh)Batman(C.Bale)
- Who can survive a full supa nova blast by the Human Torch?
- Who has been able to stop the HULK KILLER HUMANOID ?
- Team Zod Vs Surfer and Thor
- Firelord or Silver Surfer ?
- Hulk Killer Humanoid vs. Mindless Hulk and Juggernaut
- Thing vs. Mrs. Marvel
- Are you all afraid ... of the HULK KILLER HUMANOID ? ;-)
- Hulk,Hercules,Thor,Thing vs. Hulk Killer,Juggernaut,Gladiator,Abomination
- Spiderman vs. Captain America
- Hulk Killer Humanoid vs. Juggernaut
- Wolverine w/ speed force vs Superman & The Hulk
- Silver Surfer, Dr. Strange, & Enchantres vs The All-Wizard Team + wolverine
- The Keeper vs. Ion
- Batman Beyond vs. Spider-man 2099
- Carnage vs Sabretooth
- Puma VS. Bane
- Thor vs Green Lantern
- Hulk vs. Doomday
- Rouge/hulk vs gladiator/thor
- Thing vs Wolverine, Gambit, and Daredevil
- Thing vs Doomday
- Jubilee vs. Harley Quinn
- Savage Hulk & Thing vs Pre-Crisis Supes
- Terra vs. the Thing
- Who can and cannot beat this foursome?
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Mr. Majestic
- Shang Chi VS. Sabertooth
- nick fury v daredevil
- Orion vs Beta Ray Bill
- New Avengers (What If?...) vs. New Avengers
- The Thing, Hulk, and Thor(normal) VS. The Void
- Enraged Wonderman VS. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
- Galactus, Thanos DP, Superman, WW versus Paola
- Shazaam(Wizard) vs. Dr. Strange
- wonderman vs superman
- Spider-X Versus Hulk
- Darkseid (pre-crisis) vs. He-Man
- Captain Marvel (Billy) VS Wonder Woman
- 15-Team Battle Royal
- Avengers War 2
- Wonderman VS Thor
- Batman vs Galactus
- Sentry vs Gladiator
- Captain America, Professor X, & Mr. Fantastic VS Superman & Nightwing
- Iron Man vs. Hercules
- Captain America vs. The Juggernaut
- Titania vs. The Thing
- Powerhouses DC vs. Marvel(women) Round. 2
- current supergirl vs wonderwoman
- Dick dasterdly & Mutley vs Superman & Krypto
- Old Gods vs All other DC Pantheonic Gods
- Thor girl vs Supergirl vs She hulk
- Pre-Crisis Supergirl vs. New Supergirl
- Nightwing versus Batman Beyond
- Current Iron Man VS. Current Thing
- Spider-Man vs. the Human Torch
- Enraged Wonder Man VS. Current Class 100 Thing
- Dr. DOOM vs. COBRA
- captain america vs. serpenter.....battle
- Team Zod vs. Team Marvel
- Batman vs. Beast & Gambit
- Spider-man vs Bucky
- Black Adam vs. General Zod
- lex luthor with his armor VS.tony stark with his armor
- Morlun versus Absorbing Man
- storm VS invisable woman
- storm VS red tornado
- Race: Shazam vs Flash
- Shazam! vs Savage Hulk
- Superman Vs Green Lantern
- Thing vs Thor
- Spider-man Vs Batman Beyond
- Lagoon Boy vs. Squid-Boy
- Battle of the Reality Warpers
- Thing vs Astonishing X-Men
- Poison Ivy vs. the Purple Man
- Which team would win in an all out battle?
- hobgoblin vs green goblin
- colossus with power gem VS. war hulk
- Most Dramatic Death Ever?
- God like cable vs Hal (GL)
- Batman and Batgirl Vs. Kazuya and Heihachi [Tekken]
- The Elite vs. The Avengers
- Marvel vs DC football
- Count Nefaria vs. Martain Manhunter
- He-Man vs. Gladiator
- Team invinicble versus team superman
- Cable-godlike vs. Superman Prime
- Tyrant vs. 8th day juggernaut
- Parallax vs. Tyrant (full powered)
- Cable-godlike vs. Tyrant
- Old Supergirl vs. New Supergirl
- Missonary Man Vs Batman Vs Daredevil Vs Deadpool
- Conan vs. Beast Master
- Team Cable vs. JLA,JSA
- Magma vs. the Human Torch
- Part 2(Spider-man vs Deathstroke no weapons no web)
- Nightcrawler vs. Vanisher
- Wonderman VS. Wolverine
- comics' mightiest female!
- Batman Beyond vs. Robin
- WOLVERINE and sabretooth vs. spawn and deadpool
- beta ray bill vs perun
- Classic Juggernaut vs Terrax
- Tezumak vs. Forge
- Batman vS Robin(not teen titians)
- Ivan Drago vs Batman (street fight)
- Pre-Crisis Superman VS King Thor
- Agent Smith vs. Superman
- Juggernaut vs Colossus
- Supermans sword??????
- solidous snake vs batman
- Wolverine vs Wonder Woman
- Magneto vs Apocalypse
- New Mutants Vs Teen Titans
- Jubilee Vs Havoc
- Falcon And Archangel Vs Hawkman
- Spider Beast Vs Swamp Thing
- Cyborg vs. Cyclops
- Black Panther Vs Dare Devil
- Dark Phionex Vs Paralax Vs Silver Surfer
- ghost rider vs SILVER SUFER
- Electro And Storm Vs Thor
- Torch Vs Sunfire
- Shadow King Vs Dr. Strange
- Power Of Thunder
- Spiderman (black costum) vs. Deathstroke
- Morg w/ water of life vs. Molecule Man
- Odin vs. Molecule Man
- Gambit vs Cyclops
- Battle of the Neutered Superheroes: Movie X-Men vs. JLU
- Cyborg vs. Iron Man
- Havok vs. Spider-Man
- Donna Troy vs. Classic Rogue
- Firestorm vs. the Fantastic Four
- Doctor Octupus vs. Wolverine
- Celestial vs Galactus (full power) vs Dark Phoenix
- Luke Cage vs The Russian
- Adam Destine VS. Deathstroke & Deadpool
- Golike Cable versus Godlike Magneto
- Full Power Franklin Richards VS. Molecule Man
- zarathos v thanos & apocalypse
- Bugs Bunny vs. Pink Panther
- Thing vs. Gambit
- Hun'Ya vs The Russian
- Hal Jordan vs TOAA and the Prescence
- Spidey on Venom Vs. Batman in Venom
- Black Panther vs Deathstroke
- Blade Vs Batman
- Spider-man & Batman vs Deadpool & Deathstroke
- Snake-Eyes vs. Spider-Man
- Darkstar vs. Invisible Woman
- God-Like Spawn VS. Thanos W/THOTU and Sentry W/Infinity Gauntlet
- iceman vs storm
- Phoenix vs Franklin Richards(full power)
- Phoenix vs Moondragon
- Spawn vs. the Green Lantern
- Tempest vs. Iceman
- Firestorm VS. Metamorpho
- Tempest vs. Spider-Man & Wolverine
- Wonder Woman She-Hulk Thor Girl She-Hulk vs Thor girl vs Supergirl
- Jplatinum Vs Quick Freeze
- Marvel/DC Heroines VS. Thanos
- Hotwheels versus the Flash
- Batman Vs Thanos
- team jplatinum vs team batman
- Avengers War
- Ubermensch Logan vs Savage Hulk
- Deathstroke versus Avengers
- Empire State Building Contests
- Orion vs. Big Barda
- wolverine VS animal man
- supreme vs. mr. majestic
- Onslaught + Apocalypse vs Tyrant
- Surtur vs Ymir
- scarlet spider vs spider man
- Mr Miracle(New God) v Miracleman(Self proclaimed God)
- The Comet(Marvel) v Captain Comet (DC)
- All DC Street Levels Vs. COBRA
- Iron man and batman vs elektra and storm
- Ironman & War Machine Vs. The Centurions
- Green Goblin vs Batman
- Bloodstorm vs Blade
- Vampire hunter D vs. Blade
- Dazzler & Darkstar vs. Cloak & Dagger