- Morlun vs wolverine
- Joe Queseda VERSUS Stan Lee
- Marvel v DC
- General Eiling / Reed Richards
- Magus (vs) Orion
- im new, someone help plz
- Can aquaman telepathic powers work on namor?
- magneto vs green (oliver queen) arrow
- Apollo vs Black Bolt
- savage dragon vs luke cage
- Ion Vs. Franklin Richards
- Batman with the Supersoilder Serum Vs Nightwing with Spidermans Power
- Mad Jim Jaspers vs Galactus
- Apollo vs SheHulk
- JLA in Age of Apocolypse timestream.
- Omega Red & Sabretooth vs Ursa Major,Red Guardian & Vanguard
- If Surfer is a clean 100 in energy projection......
- Deathlok,Midnighter & Gorgon runs the gauntlet
- Fantastic Four vs Green Lantern
- Cap And Spidey vs Mr Fantastic and Wolverine
- Batman vs Sabertooth
- Multiple Man vs DeathStroke and Captain America
- The Brotherhood vs Superman
- Deadpool vs The Punisher
- Nova vs. Superman
- Survival of the Fittest-
- Golden Oozaru vs. Silver Surfer
- Batman vs Kraven The Hunter (Sergei Kravinoff )
- IronMan VS. Thor
- spider-man vs venom vs morlun
- Deadpool vs Daredevil
- Is Surfer above the top tier?
- If Superman is above the top tier in DC................
- Earth(616) Cable vs Askani Earths Cable
- The Imperfects vs This Team
- Super Skrull,Hyperion(Mark Milton) & Harald Jaekelsson runs the Gauntelt
- Multiple Man vs Midnighter
- Deadpool vs. Elektra
- Weapons battle
- Iconic villain
- Another 4*4 Versus
- Odinforce vs. Power Cosmic
- spider-man runs the imperfects gauntlet
- Mjolnir vs. Gl Ring
- rise of the imperfects
- Battle of the Mystics
- Current Ion vs. Superboy Prime
- Venom vs Midnighter
- Midnighter vs Joystick vs vs Puma
- Midnighter vs Spider-man
- Kubik vs Darkseid vs Hyperstorm
- Wrecker vs Wonder Woman
- Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, Joker, & Mr. Freeze vs the Fantastic Four
- Daredevil vs Scarecrow
- JLA vs The Brotherhood of evil Mutants
- batman vs ryu
- is street fighter allowed in hear?? there were comics on them
- Doop vs. Superman
- Superman, Quasar Vs Sinestro, Surpreme Hyperion
- Cyber VS Captain America
- Silver Samuri vs Captain America
- Nightwing vs. Deadpool
- Deathstroke vs Deadpool
- If you had to.................
- team red vs team green
- lists
- Silver Samurai vs. Deathstroke
- Captain Atom v.s Captain marvel aka Shazam
- Hellboy vs Thing
- Superman vs Fantastic Four
- SS Ravager of Worldz VS Sentry/Gladiator/Hyperion
- Savage Dragon vs. Puck
- Movie Blade/Batman hit the Gauntlet..!
- Zatanna vs. Scarlet Witch
- Ladies...gauntlet time
- spider-man vs savage dragon
- Doc Strange versus Superboy Prime
- Warpath and Thing Vs Hulk
- Sub-Mariner vs. Vision.
- Black Zero vs Superman
- savage dragon runs the marvel gauntlet
- Spawn Vs Emma Frost
- Marvel Villains vs Justice League
- Superman vs Apocolypse
- Green Lantern Corps vs Galactus
- Super Skrull Vs Plastic Man
- Wolverine with GL ring versus Spiderman
- Annihilation wave vs. "Great Darkness Saga"
- shield/autobots vs hydra/decepticon
- Orange vs. Green
- Alan Scott Vs. Genis Vell
- Wolverine as the Flash vs. Superman
- Soviet Super Soldiers vs Justice League
- Jubilee vs Rhino
- colossus vs spiderman
- Superman Blue v.s. Hal Jordan, Alan Scott, & Kyle Rayner
- Venom vs Dracula
- Battle Prepaired Thor vs Darkseid
- Batman vs The Sinister Six.
- hulk vs superman with a twist
- Dracula vs Wolverine
- The Tick vs Juggernaut
- Hobgobin, Green Goblin, & DemoGoblin vs Superboy
- Sam Fisher vs Punisher
- Karate Kid vs Midnighter
- Mister Sinster vs Martian Manhunter
- Sinister Six vs Mister Sinister
- the tick (vs) Captain america
- Thing(John Carpenter movie) vs. Alien(Ridley Scott movie)
- Mimic vs Super Skrull
- pre-powers: steve rogers vs peter parker
- Hobgoblin, Demogoblin, & Green Goblin vs Daredevil, Captain America, & Black Panther
- coprate battle
- The Human Torch vs Hellboy
- The Punisher vs Blade vs Wolverine vs Daredevil
- Flash vs The Punisher
- Ms. Marvel vs. Stargirl
- Does anyone have the pic where thread?
- wolverine vs the sinister 6
- Batman(Movie Version) vs 15 Navy SEALS
- who can get wonder woman to date her batman or iron man
- Bruce Wayne Vs. Clark Kent: Election 2008
- Omega's Vs Jla
- superhero gameshow
- Batman vs Venom
- Plotverine vs. ???
- A Magic Free-For-All
- Orion & Grayven vs Superman and Majestic
- Important Announcement For All Members Of Teams : Listen Up
- Justice League vs The Avengers (no holds bard)
- Juggernaut vs Hulk vs Thing
- The All Out Warzone Is Back...Yes People It's Time For TEAM WAR !!!!!!!
- Flint (Stormwatch) vs Power Princess
- In-Betweener vs Darkseid
- The Fury Versus Sentry
- Namor vs. Doom
- Venom vs Backlash
- Spiderman vs. Ironman
- Omega Red versus Venom
- Orion/w Astro Force Managverse Thor & Silver Age Mangog vs Parallax
- Thanos vs Karate Kid Fist Fight
- Karate Kid vs Batman
- lord recluse vs the hulk
- Ms. Marvel vs. Wonder Man
- Current Thanos vs Orion & Silver Surfer
- Jack Hawksmoor vs Storm with Phoenix Power
- Longshot & Dazzler vs Midnighter vs Two Warwolves
- Guy Gardner with Vuldarian powers vs. The Hulk
- Batman vs Mad Thinker in a prep battle
- Ult Ultron vs Spartan 3.0
- Silver Surfer (vs) orion & apocalypse
- maul vs thing
- Poison Ivy vs Spidergirl
- Super Skrull vs Superman
- Most Powerful Mutant
- Spiderman vs. Nightwing (Twist)
- Man of Miracles vs Wanda HOM and Pre rect beyonder
- Super Skrull vs. She-Hulk
- Captain Marvel(Shazam) vs. Thor
- Domino vs. David Cain
- Shaman vs. Dr.Doom
- Spider-Man vs. Punisher and Wolverine
- Herald Morg WOL w/ultimate Nullifier vs JLA
- Superman vs Herald Morg and Herald Terrax
- Darkseid vs doomsday with a twist
- Emperor Joker v.s. Galactus & Current Ion
- Joker vs Bullseye
- Spider-Man and Dardevil vs The Punisher and Wolverine
- Dark Phoenix vs Thor
- Omega Red vs. Jubilee
- Aquaman vs. Super- skrull
- Wolverine versus Spiderman
- Spider-Man, Venom, and Carnage vs. Hulk
- Dr.Strange vs Darkseid
- Who could defeat this team?
- Wonder Woman vs. Apocalypse
- Battle of the Heavy weights
- Super Brawl
- King Thor vs Darkseid
- statesman vs.....
- Magneto vs Nimrod
- Movie Hellboy vs. Movie Thing vs. Movie Juggernaut
- Sexiest Comic Book Characters
- the joker vs the scarcrow
- Batman Vs Wonder Woman(powerless)
- Superman vs Sentry
- Scarlet Witch vs Mad Jim Jaspers
- Is Superman above the top tier?
- The Ray vs Captain Marvel/Monica Rambeau
- Dr Doom vs Apoklips
- Nasty Boys vs Batman
- captain america & Batman vs Sabertooth & Venom
- Nova(annihilation) vs Silver Surfer (annihilation)
- Polaris vs Toxin
- Supreme vs. superman
- Spiderman vs Copperhead
- Beast vs The Lizard
- Super-skrull vs Green Lantern
- dr doom vs mr fantastic and dr strange
- superman vs galactus with a twist
- Joker vs. The Fantastic Four
- Batmans Rouge's vs Wolverines Rouge's
- The Crow Vs. Statesman
- Shaman vs. Dr.Druid
- Vulcan vs Superman
- The Punisher and Daredevil vs Bane and Deadpool
- King Thor vs. Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner
- The Punisher vs Blade vs Daredevil
- Batman Villains battle for Gotham!
- captain marvel (dc) vs
- galactus vs. the phoenix
- Multiple Man w/ the Speed Force vs. Marvel Earth
- Wolverine's Foes versus Spiderman's Foes
- Captain America/wPower Gem & Wolverine/wCosmic Cube runs the gauntlet
- Harrier & Jester vs Quicksilver & Captain America
- Alpha Flight villains vs DC earth
- Cosmic Spiderman vs Wonder Woman
- Battle of Spiderman Villains!
- all-star superman vs ultimate universe
- spiderman vs mr x (wolverine enemy)
- vulcan vs superman vs hyperion (from the exiles)
- All-Star Superman runs the gauntlet
- BlackBolt vs. Hal Jordan.
- wolverine vs deathstroke vs cyber vs black tarantula
- Batman & his crew vs AIM
- Carnage vs Superboy
- Jack o lantern vs Hobgoblin vs Demogoblin vs Green Goblin
- Manitou Raven vs Talisman
- Batman Beyond Vs. Spiderman New Armor
- Terminus vs Imperiex vs Enslaver
- Terrax/Axe/Non Jobber vs DOS Doomsday
- Fathom Five vs Aquaman & Wonder Woman
- Terrax vs Imperiex
- Magneto vs Despero
- Kingpin vs. Deathstroke
- Thor vs. Ravenous
- Silver Surfer vs. Fallen One
- Drax vs. Wolverine
- The Sentry Vs. Doomsday
- Superman & the Fantastic Four vs Juggernaut & Bizzaro
- Dr. Doom vs Superman
- Blade & Conan vs Bloodstone
- DC's Earth vs Demogorge no prep
- Trigon vs Marvel Earth no prep
- Aquaman w/ Magic Hand vs. Wonder Woman w/o Lasso
- Sersi vs. Wonder Woman and Supergirl
- Kamen Rider V3 vs. Green Ranger
- Nightwing vs. Sabertooth
- Daredevil vs Balck Panther vs Spider-Man
- Storm vs Human Torch