- ultron vs iron man
- Current Hulk vs Current Ghost Rider
- Thor vs Hercules fist fight
- The Worthy VS HP Doomsday
- Who here is stronger than worlds population strength combined
- Oblivion vs Vishanti
- Galactus vs Team Skyfathers
- Thor impressive feats?
- Current Colossus Vs Thor who can take more punishment
- Drax/w Power Gem vs Colossusnaut
- Blue Beetle Vs Thunderstrike
- Black Panther vs Bane
- Kuurth vs Thor
- Thor vs the worthy
- The Expendables: Comic Edition
- Immortal Hercules vs Beta Ray Bill
- 8th Day Juggs Vs HP Doomsday
- The Doomsday killing punch runs the gauntlet
- Who's the weakest person who can physically injure Superman? (No weakness exploit)
- Infinity Gauntlet Warlock vs Chaos King
- Brainiac vs Depowered Tyrant...
- Ion vs odinforce thor
- What single character (below Herald) can defeat Dr.Doom and Ironman working together!
- ultron vs collosus
- Despero VS The Void
- Thor hand to hand vs Ganymede, Gamora(Infinity Watch) & Moondragon
- Marvel vs DC
- Odin, Laufey, Vili & Ve vs Bor, Thor & Loki
- Magneto vs JLA
- Gambit vs. Puck
- the thing vs collusus
- Thors God blast vs
- Deathstroke VS The Gorgon
- The Flash VS Ghost Rider
- Bor vs Nul
- Flash vs X-Men
- Batman Vs. Black Knight
- Wolverine, Deathstroke vs. Cable, Fantomex
- Stipulations
- HP Doomsday Vs Black Adam
- Hulk vs Real Earth
- 4-1 thread
- War Hulk vs Death(Gambit)
- The Worthy Hammers
- Who can withstand the unbridled wrath of Ultimate Reed Richards!?
- Nobody Vs Deathstroke
- Guy Gardner vs. Worthy Thing
- Nul, Kuurth & Colossus Vs HP Doomsday
- Rulk & Skaar VS Kuurth
- Big G question
- Black Tarantula vs Gorgon
- Cannonball/Classic Juggernaut vs The Worthy
- Xmen vs Marvel
- Dr. Doom vs Thor
- The Prince of Power vs Iron Man
- X-Man vs. Franklin Richards
- Rune King Thor vs Overmind & Thanos
- Mangog vs The Gammafather
- Thor Corps & Warriors 3 Vs. Thanos
- Lizard vs. Dracula
- stepford cuckoos VS emma frost
- Solomon Grundy (Mindless) vs Doomsday
- Shazam Captain Marvel vs Wonder woman
- Lizard vs Beast, Nightcrawler & Gambit
- Maestro VS Doomsday
- Kryptonian vs Sentry
- Kuurth vs 8th day Juggernaut
- Thor and Colossus vs kuurth and Nul (NO BFR)
- Kuurth vs Nul
- Dr. Fate & Doctor Vs Dr. Strange & Ghost Rider
- silver surfer vs sentry
- HP Doomsday?
- Who does the best against the Wrecking Crew?
- Thor & Hercules Vs Doomsday in a wrestling match
- Rune King Thor VS Onslaught
- Vigilante vs Jonah Hex
- I am Doom, and I'm here to take you're sh*t.
- Pak's WWH vs Pak's Incredible Hercules
- Team Marvel vs Team DC
- Amazo vs Ultron vs Brainaic vs Bastion
- Spiderman needs you
- batman vs wolverine
- Dante in devil trigger mode (son of sparda) vs 1.odin force thor2.RKT
- Mundus vs full powered Galactus
- Medusa (WW villain) Vs Gorgon (Wolvie villain)
- Depowered Tyrant/ near Full Power vs This Group
- Reactron Vs Static
- Metallo Vs Deathlok
- Team Ghost Rider vs Team Wolverine
- Parallax VS Monarch
- Beelzebub Manga/ Anime
- If Thor ranks as a 100 on a power scale...
- Gorgon vs. Wonder Woman (equal strength and speed)
- The High Evolutionary and his herald Seeker Vs The Worthy
- The Gorgon VS Wonder Woman (In a Sword Fight)
- The Worthy Vs Quicksilver(amped by chthon)
- Thor VS The Sentry (In a Sword Fight)
- Invasion of DC Universe
- Odin & Serpant vs Nabu & Mordru
- Mordru vs the living tribunal
- Just how powerful is galactus?
- Magik vs. Talisman
- Ymir vs Ultimate Galactus...
- Ymir vs. Sasquatch & Snowbird
- Morg vs 1.odin force thor 2.RKT
- Reactron Vs Jack of Hearts
- Morg w/WOL vs World War Hulk
- Sentry vs Stardust
- The Quintessence Vs. The Vishanti
- Team Doom vs. Team Loki
- The Worthy Vs. The 'Heralds' of Galactus
- Blitzkrieger vs Cyclops
- Infinitie Man DONG vs Monarch Countdown
- Young DC vs. Young Marvel
- Cyttorak vs. the Serpent
- Metallo Vs War Machine
- Reactron Vs Radioactive Man
- Thanos vs Ultimate Galactus....
- Captain Britain w/ Artifacts vs. Wonder Woman w/ Full Gear
- Parasite Vs Mongul (no rings)
- Mongul Jr. (no rings) Vs Amazing Man
- Amazing Man Vs Absorbing Man Vs Parasite
- Who can beat Superman-Prime inside the sun
- Infinite Man Vs Imperiex Prime
- Orion vs 1.Thor 2.RKT
- Crimson Dynamo & Ulik (after Upgrade) Vs Atumma
- Metron Vs Lucifer Morningstar
- Justice League Dark Vs Sinestro Corps
- Emil Blonsky vs Alice(Resident Apocalypse)
- Hercules vs. Mongul
- Absorbing man vs wwhulk
- Worthy Attuma vs Thor
- Movie Silver Surfer vs Movie Thor vs Movie Superman (Superman Returns)
- Captain BritainW/Excalibur and AoR vs Jaimie Braddock
- 616 Jaspers vs Captain BritainW/Excalibur and AoR
- Captain America/w Battle Suit vs Deadpool, Deathstroke & Wolverine
- Feats vs Logic (colossus vs juggs)
- Nekra vs Batman
- Ultron vs. The Worthy
- Black Canary vs Wolverine.
- Current Hulk vs Current Gladiator
- Herald level list update
- Konvikt vs Lobo
- Cyborg Superman and Doomsday vs Thor and Juggernaut
- The Void VS Dark Phoenix
- Mangog vs current hulk
- Where would you place those guys
- Godzilla (marvel) vs Fing Fang Foom
- Sentry vs superman prime
- The Strongest There Is
- The Serpent VS The Void
- Superman vs Thor vs Sentry vs Hercules(Marvel)
- Who would win in a 4 way match between Thor, Hercules(Marvel), Superman, or Sentry?
- This team is trying to take over asgard
- Current X Men Vs Skadi
- Superman prime vs current Hulk
- Current Hulk vs Current Namor and Current Colossus
- ION vs 1.odin force thor 2. Rune king thor
- Blue Marvel vs Ethan Edwards
- Thor vs Chtylok, Spider-X & Post
- Scarlet Spider vs. Deathstroke
- Red Hulk vs Uatu the Watcher
- superboy vs omega red
- Thor Blood and Thunder vs Classic Juggernaut
- The Fury vs Monarch
- Batman Club vs Iron man Club
- Fury vs Modt
- Captain america restaurant vs Colossus restaurant
- Gambit restaurant vs Shang Chi restaurant
- Current Xmen Vs Asgard (No Odin)
- current Iron Man Vs Current Colossus
- Namor vs. Fin Fang Foom
- Mordru vs 1.Odin 2.Rune king thor
- Street team vs Neverwinters finest.
- One Shot Wolverine
- Luke Cage vs Savage Dragon
- Battle of the Jobbers....
- Dr. Doom vs Thanos with a twist
- Full Power Tyrant and Well Fed Galactus vs Tiamut and Exitar...
- Infinity gauntlet vs TOAA
- The Stranger and Uatu vs Galactus...
- Orion vs Wolverine/w Gauntlets of Ares
- OMAC Vs Vision
- Vision vs. Martian Manhunter
- Thor Corp vs Kurse
- Colossus & Thing Vs Rulk
- Starring contest
- superman prime vs rune king thor
- Zom vs Dr. Fate
- Dr. Doom vs DC Villains
- Spider-woman (Jessica Drew) vs Iron Man
- valkyrie vs Ironman
- Why my boyfriend do not let me wear it?
- Entropy Aegis Vs Monarch
- Thor vs Asgard
- wwhulk vs hercules
- Galactus vs White phoenix of the crown
- luke cage vs juggernaught
- Current Hulk vs Classic Loki....
- Dr Doom durability gauntlet
- Thunderclap test
- Ghost Rider vs Spectre
- Thor Corp vs Durok the Demolisher
- Megatron vs Dr Doom
- Thor & Valkyrie VS Magneto & Polaris
- Silver surfer vs wwHulk
- Volstagg vs Jughead P Jones
- ww Hulk vs Iron Fist
- The fury vs 616 MJJ vs Captain BritainW/Excalibur and AoR vs Jammie B vs Abraxas
- War of the Rings: Green vs Red
- Silver surfer vs Juggernaught (both current)
- cyclops runs the H2H gauntlet
- Gambit vs Nightwing in hand 2 hand
- Monarch vs Rune King Thor
- Silver Surfer vs This Team
- Thor VS The Gorgon (In a Sword Fight)
- Hawk Vs Midnighter
- Magneto vs. Dr Light
- If Thor didnt...
- Ultimate Spider-man vs Spider Girl
- The Vision vs the U-foes
- Moon Knight vs The Seven Deadly Brothers
- Batman/Nightwing Vs. Captain America/Winter Soldier Vs. Wolverine/Shadowcat Vs...
- Current Hulk vs. Entropy Aegis Steel
- Godzilla joins the Justice League
- Whizzer vs Spider-Man
- Grey Gargoyle vs Valkyrie
- OMAC Vs Omega Red
- firestar vs ww hulk
- Pet Avengers vs. Hawk
- Darksied vs 1.odin force thor 2. rune king thor
- Tiamut vs 1.The one above all/Celestial 2.Exitar
- Rama Kushna Vs Goddess
- Moon Knight Vs Dove
- Hawk Vs Puck
- Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, and Emma Frost vs Captain Comet
- Blue Marvel vs. Quasar
- captain america vs carnage
- Quasar vs 1.odin force Thor 2.Rune king thor
- ww hulk or currenthulk vs sebastian shaw
- Mutants Vs Annihilators
- Magneto vs. New Avengers
- gladiator/kallark vs superman
- Equus Vs Midnighter
- Team Odin vs Team Zeus
- Fin Fang Foom vs Gotham
- Vision vs Blue Marvel
- Black Cat vs Yondu
- Psylocke vs Midnighter
- Reign of the Supermen vs. Thor Corps