- Punisher vrs Nick Fury
- Immortal Hercules vs. Orion
- Darkseid &Wolverine vs Thanos & Lobo
- Survival of the Fittest-NY
- Beast vs. Black Panther
- Shadowcat vs Wolverine
- Wolverine vs Colossus
- Beast vs The Creeper
- Wonder Woman vs. Namor
- Batgirl vs. Black Panther
- Batgirl vs Richard Dragon
- Scarlet Witch vs. Sersi
- spider-man & the scarlet spider vs wolverine and x23
- spider-man & the scarlet spider vs morlun & black tarantula
- Namor & Wonder Woman vs. Wolverine, the Thing, Cannonball & Sabretooth
- batman vs the kingpin
- Robot Wars comic style
- Absorbing man vs Shift and Metamorpho
- Ion, Parallax, Captain Atom vs both Hyperstorms
- Red Star vs. Wolverine
- Connor Hawke & Speedy vs. Hawkeye
- Full powered Tyrant vs Thanos, Darkseid, and Odin
- Green Lantern(hal) vs. Runner
- Darkseid/ Thanos vs. Galactus at full power
- Morbius vs Dracula vs Hannibal King
- Knuckle Fight! Doomsday vs Lobo
- Manhunter vs Wolverine
- Phoenix VS Galactus
- I survived as well!!!!!
- All Of The Celestials v.s. The Entire GL Corps
- Mr. Mxy vs. HOM Scarlet Witch
- Kurse vs. Orion
- G-Type vs Colossus,Thing & Sasquatch
- Blasters vs Brute Strength
- Dominus vs Exitar the Celestial Executioner
- Darkseid (Classic) v.s. Gladiator /w/ Uni-Power
- Wild One,Lucan Aster & Shanzar who can take this team down
- Hyperstorm & Quasar v.s. Takion & Captain Marvel
- Cable Vs Kang the Conqueror
- Classic Spawn vs Skeletor
- Who Can Punch "Classic Blob" The Farthest?
- 2Lanterns vs F4/DOOM/Iceman
- Beast vs. Wolverine
- Flash/Hal Jordan vs. The Runner and Silver Surfer
- Odin vs Sundragon,Snowbird & Sersi
- M,Sunspot & Crystal run the Gauntlet
- Surtur vs Ymir vs Cyttorak
- Spawn Vs Silver Surfer
- Brainiac vs Apocalypse
- Wargreymon vs Colossus
- Spawn vs. Dr. Strange
- Maul defeated Crusade?Plus:Mr. Majestic vs. Liefeld's original Supreme!
- Gorgon & Lockjaw vs Sasquatch & Yukon Jack
- Wolverine Vs Hawkeye
- Black Dragon & Reptyle Prime vs The Fantastic Four
- The Girls of Old Town vs Mr Fantastic
- Chthon vs. Mordru
- current Ion vs Parallax
- JLA vs Creatures of the Night
- Sunfire vs Sunspot
- Siryn vs Havok
- Wolverine vs Man-Thing
- Morbius runs a DC Gauntlet
- these people are out to get darkseid...
- Ion VS SOK
- Cyborg (Current) vs. Cyclops
- Black Flash Vs. The Runner
- Dominus vs Darkseid
- Nightwing vs Punisher
- Marrow vs. X-23... ?
- X-Men Vs Avengers Villians Gauntlet
- Captain Universe Silver Surfer vs Darkseid,Thanos & Depowered Tyrant
- This team vs Darkseid
- Two face vs the kingpin
- Beast vs. Batman
- Power Pack vs Wonder Woman
- Beast vs. Baine
- Superman/ Thor vs. SilverSurfer/ Runner
- silver age aquaman vs silver age batman
- Medusa vs Human Torch
- The Blob and Clayface VS Wolverine and Batman
- Nightwing Vs Daredevil
- flash Vs the Runner ( Race of the century)
- Iornman (in adamantium extremis armour) vs Thor
- hawkeye and green arrow vs bullseye and elektra
- Atom Man vs. Hulk
- Kaine vs Beast,Nightcrawler & Wolverine
- Stepford Cuckoos (all 5) vs. Psylcoke (telepathy)
- MM vs Doomsday
- Thanos with IG VS DC team
- Batman vs Rhino
- Galactus (full-power) v.s. Hyperstorm
- Kurse,Destroyer & Mangog vs Justice League & X-Men
- Royal Flush Gang vs Mutant Force
- Steel , Steel and Steel versus Ironman , Ironman and IronMan
- Doomsday(Gog Wars) vs. Morg ( WOL)
- spiderman vs elektra, beast, and green arrow
- Supereme vs Might Man
- Lower Abstracts vs. High Tier Sky Father
- Darkseid vs a special Rouge
- Hulk vs. Darkoth
- Morlun vs Cap
- Beast VS Wolverine+X-23
- The Summers vs GL
- Xmen ve Xforce
- Goodbye thread :(
- Darkseid vs The X-Men
- Kurse Runs The Gauntlet!!
- Nightwing vs Conner Hawke
- Black Adam vs Etrigan
- Darkseid vs Dr. Fate
- Starhawk,Phoenix-IX & The Keeper(Silver Surfer) vs
- Doctor Demonicus vs DC Earth with a twist
- Wolverine Vs Rhino
- Kirigi & Caliban vs Deathstroke & Batman
- Spiderman vs Thing
- The Mangog vs. Mindless Hulk, Thing and Hercules
- Ulik vs. Hercules
- Hyperstorm vs Psi-Lord
- (Classic) Superboy vs Cannonball
- Speedball vs Strong Guy
- DC Leaders vs Marvel Leaders
- Surfer and Stardust vs Sentry and Genis
- superboy prime vs darkseid
- Wolverine Vs Thing
- Fantastic four vs the blob
- Can you beat these 7 Villians?
- Hal & Kyle VS Nova and Genis
- Cyclops and Quicksilver vs GL and Zoom.
- Who could hurt Galactus the most?
- Warpath vs. Strong Guy
- Deathstroke vs Carnage
- Powerman Luke Cage vs. Ironfist
- How long can these gentlemen hold Sears Tower on his back ?
- Does anybody knows of a AUSTRIAN Marvel Hero or Villain ? :o)
- cyclops and wolverine vs storm and captain america
- Amazo vs Tyrant
- Pre Ret Con Beyonder Vs. THe Presence
- Silver Surfer(current) vs. Alan Scott
- Alan Scott vs. Darkseid
- The fantastic four vs the blop
- Superman 1 million vs warrior madness Thor
- Infinity Man/Wave Rider/Ion(Kyle) vs. Genis Vell/Sentry/Thor
- Eradicator vs. Cyborg Superman
- Multiple Man Vs X-People
- People /w Infinity Gems vs People /w Artifacts
- The Titans vs. X-Factor
- manchester black vs pheonix
- Solaris vs Ego and Mogo
- Green lantern (hal jordon) vs Darkseid
- Captain America and Spider Man vs. Wolverine, Daredevil, and Punisher
- Ironman/Hercules vs. Orion
- Mindless Hulk (full in rage) vs. Wonderman and Immortal Hercules
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Wonderman and Iron Man
- The Rhino vs. Hercules
- Thing (with power cosmic) vs Thor
- Thing Vs Wolverine
- Comic Galvatron versus Extremis Ironman
- Namor VS Superman
- Namor Vs Thing: The final debate
- Rachel Summers (current) vs. Iceman (pre House of M)
- Vision versus Astroboy
- Punisher Vs Walter
- Deathstroke vs Sabretooth
- Can The Thing compete with top tier brawlers anymore?
- bullseye vs batman
- gambit vs bulleyes
- Black Panther vs Sabretooth
- abomination vs wonder girl
- Good or Evil?
- This team vs Justice League
- Bishop vs Gambit (full potential)
- Bloodshed vs Luke Cage
- Clark vs Bruce
- Night Shift vs Teen Titans
- DC beings rumble for Bragging rights
- Beast vs Toad
- Northstar & Aurora vs. Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch
- Selene vs The X-Men
- Team1 vs Team 2
- vixen VS hulk
- Green Lantern Superman Blue Captain Marvel vs Silver Surfer Quasar Dr Strange
- Wolverine vrs Spiderman vs The thing vrs Black Panther
- batman vs punisher with prep
- Punisher and The AVP Predator run the gauntlet
- Ghost Rider vs Violator
- classic Ion vs Parallax
- Ultimate Batman Runs the Gauntlet from Hell
- wolverine vs superman
- manchester black vs astonishing x men
- Psylocke runs the gauntlet.
- Grizzly vs. Wolverine
- Ben Grimm vs Hal Jordon
- The Freedom Fighters vs. The Mighty Avengers
- Gamora vs. Wondergirl
- Vixen/Psylock vs. Wolverine/Deathstroke
- Adam Warlock vs. Dr. Fate (Hector)
- DC magic users vs Marvel Magic users
- Ion runs the gauntlet
- Can They Do It?
- Juggernaut vs Kurse
- Batman with prep vs Spawn
- The fantastic four and darkseid
- Ghost rider vs the joker
- Selene vs Cannonball
- superman prime vs classic Ion
- Can They Do It?
- Most powerful comicbookcharacter ever?
- Tug-of-War Match: Hercules vs Spiderman,Hawkeye,Luke Cage and Captain America
- Who is the .. physically.. MOST powerful Avenger ... EVER ???
- Immortal Hercules vs. Namor, Wonderman, Colossus
- The Magus vs Thanos
- Iron Man and War Machine vs Superman
- Nova vs Superman
- Sentry vs Iron Man
- superman vs elder predator
- Superboy Prime/Triun Juggs Run The Ultimate Guantlet
- Thing runs a strange gauntlet
- Namor vs Starfire
- X4 Vs Jla
- Pre rect Beyonder and Pre rect Molecule Man run the Ultimate G
- Namor vs Thunderstrike
- Superman vs Sentry vs Statesman
- Spider-man and Superman vs Kaine and Bizarro
- Darkseid vs. RKT
- Ult. Namor vs. Ronan the Accuser
- Spiderman with the IG vs Darkseid
- Who can evade the whole police force the longest?
- Professor Hulk Vs. Spiderman.
- Shield vs Hydra all out war
- Darkseid Strikes back at The Heralds of Galactus
- Marvel/DC Shadowpact against Spectre & Eclipso
- Can Thanos live through...
- Stardust vs Nero
- Villains United vs Team Power
- Eclipso vs Nightmare
- Classic Ion vs Fp Galactus
- sundipped superman vs current captain marvel
- rune king thor VS atum the god-eater
- HOLY Triad Lucifer/Micheal/The Spectre Run the guantlet
- Wonder Girl vs. Spider-Man (Classic)
- Future Hulk vs. silver age Mangog and classic Juggs
- Shuma Gorath versus Dr Fate
- Dormammu & Baron Mordo vs. Wizard
- Namor & Hercules vs. Burstaar
- Current Cap Marvel vs Darkseid
- The X-Men vs. the All-New Justice League of America
- Warpath vs. Namor
- SOK and Thanos vs...
- curent cap marvel vs thanos