- Wolverine (In Thor Buster Armor) vs Superman
- Blade vs. Nick Fury
- Sinestro & Kyle Rayner vs. Thanos
- Despero vs. Cable
- Black Adam vs. Doctor Doom
- Old School Brawl.. Doc Savage Vs. Tarzan
- Despero vs. The Twelve
- Storm vs. Magneto
- street level tornie
- Thanos vs"Hollywood"WonderMan(from 31st Century)
- The Ultimate race !!!
- Movie Alien vs Movie Predator
- fatal four way
- JLU VRS Xmen, Brotherhood, Avangers, FF, Power pack, SP enmiges and Sentinels
- 500 of those dogs in Riddick vs Colossus & Gambit
- Badrock & Thing vs Martain Manhunter with a twist
- Street Levellers who can beat Wolverine
- Dark Raven vs Thor
- Final Battle: Dark Raven vs. Dark Phoenix
- Raven VS Apocalypse
- Raven (full potential) vs. Invisible Woman
- proteus vs banshee
- Comic spider-man vs movie Blade
- Etrigan runs the gauntlet
- Zub-zero Vs Spiderman
- Rune King Thor VS. Team Hulk
- Spiderman VS. Blade & Luke Cage
- JLA Vrs Hulk, Magneto, Doom, Human Torch, Apocalypse, Phonexis, and Profesor Xavier
- Who Rules Hell !!!!
- etrigon vs silver surfer
- Etrigon Vs Thor
- Classic Juggernaut vs Beta Ray Bill
- Batman vs Puck
- Kevin Matchstick,Fortress Maximus & Wildstar vs Any Two Superheros
- sentinels !!!!!
- Full powered Asgardian Destroyer & Pre Crisis Darkseid vs Trion Juggernaut & Exitar
- charles xavier vs legion with a twist
- Batman from Batman Returns & Movie Puinsher vs Lord Marshal from Riddick
- 4 way match
- Jla 2 Vs Avengers 2
- wolverine vs blade
- i dare someone to give a real cannon reasion y superman wins
- superman vs mindless hulk
- Archangel vs. Iron Spider-Man
- Iceman(full condidence) vs. Superman
- Elder Predator vs Venom
- Dane (Wildstorm) vs. your favorite marvel character
- Catilin Fairchild vs Luke Cage
- Gambit vs. Karasu
- Iceman vs. Fantastic Four
- Hawk God of Arcturus vs. Galactus
- The Society of Evil vs The X-Men
- Namor vs Vixen
- Current Iceman vs the Human torch
- the JLA vs Alpha Flight
- Who Will Win The Lilipop
- Kraven The Hunter Vs Sabertooth
- Gambit vs Multiple Man
- Superboy Prime vs Darkseid
- Scorpian vs. Ghost Rider
- Beta Ray Bill VS. Doomsday
- Karnak VS. Sabertooth
- Most Underrated/Overrated Superhero
- Maximum Phonexis, Magneto and Apocalypse VR Flash, Superman and wonder woman
- battle of the x - men
- Movie Hulk vs.............
- Movie Balde vs. Movie Spiderman
- King Snake Vs Kobra
- Sasha Bordeaux VERSUS Karima Shapandar
- Domino vs. Longshot
- Flash, superman, batman and green lantern VR Venom, hulk, magneto, doctor doom
- who has the most outragousely dumb power
- The Doom Patrol (Current) vs. Astonishing X-Men
- Checkmate vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Darkstar vs. Obsidian
- Movie Blade vs. Deathstroke
- mephisto vs trigon vs etrigon
- ok which beast rules them all
- Classic he-man v superman
- ghost rider vs etrigon (The Demon)
- Movie Juggernaut vs Movie Hulk
- Ultimate Thor VS Ultimate Namor
- He-man vs superboy
- He-man vs namor
- Namor vs superboy
- Berserkers vs. Tacticians
- Thanos vs Firelord & Terrax
- vixen vs Kraven with serum
- Beast Boy vs Deathstroke with a twist
- Maul at full rage & Size vs Atlas & Wendigo
- Trion Juggernaut & Rune King Thor vs Exitar
- Odin vs Solaris
- Godzilla vs Gog
- Superman Blue vs. Silver Surfer
- Spiderman vs Batman w/a twist.
- Flash vs Iceman
- hulk vs thanos
- batman and superman vs cable and x- man
- The Hammer vs. The Crowbar
- godzilla vs galactus (without cosmic powers)
- who would beat galactus in a 1 on 1 fight?
- Team Marvel (vs) Team DC
- Alpha Flight vs Hulk, Gladiator & Juggernaut
- Juggernaut vs. Holocaust... ?
- Who Has the Biggest Jobber Aura?
- darth vader vs dr.doom
- Bullseye vs. Nightwing
- Punisher vs. Bane
- Snake eyes vs. Nemesis Enforcer
- Karate Kid vs. Ironman
- Whos the biggest jobber?
- Bullseye Vs. The Blob
- Who is the most powerful being ever?
- Broken vs Workable
- darth vader vs green lantern
- Slade vs Flash
- Beast Boy vs. Vixen
- Magneto vs Darth Vaderw/a twist......
- sentry vs tyrant
- Superman-Silver Surfer-Thor vs Sentry-G.L Kyle-Beta Ray Bill
- Wolverine vs The Secret Six
- Spider-man vs The Secret Six
- The Secret Six vs The Sinister Six
- darth vader on steroids vs rogue
- Blair Wind's Iceman :) vs Classic Juggernaut
- Iceman's Freezing vs . . .
- Alien Champion vs Karate Kid vs Shiva
- good vs evil (marvel)
- hal jordan versus norrin radd
- The Punisher vs Solid Snake(with a twist)
- Full god Hercules vs. Superman
- movie Blade vs movie Wolverine
- Death vs. galactus
- Beast vs superboy
- Ash (Bruce Campbell) Vs. Street Fighters
- ultimate hulk vs batman
- ???
- The Ray vs. Iceman
- Omega Red/Elder Predator vs Carnage
- Young Avengers V.S. The Runaways
- Warclan vs Deathstroke,Deadpool & Sabretooth
- GogWars Doomsday,Rune King Thor & Enslaver vs ???
- Firestorm vs Her
- Spider-Woman vs Elektra
- 1'million Lobo's 1'million Hunter Prey Doomsday's and 1 Trion Juggernaut vs DC
- Avalanche vs Pyro
- Desak & Morg at full strength vs Doomsday,Orion & Lobo
- Ch'od vs Killer Kroc,Bane & Man-Bat
- Cyclops vs Deathstroke
- Blue Beetle(Jaime) vs Green Lantern(Ryle)
- champion vs superman
- gladiator vs drax
- omega vs eternity
- X men vs Fantastic four
- Luke Cage,Blade & Sabretooth vs Blob
- Captain America vs. Dark Beast... ?
- Ice Man v.s Pyro
- The AoA Horsemen vs. Onslaughts Brotherhood... ?
- Who is the most powerful person out of the Marvel and DC universe?
- Wolverine vs. Alien
- Juggernaut vs. The Inhumans
- Movie V vs Blade
- Fantastic 4 vs. Secret Defenders Fantastic 4
- Captain America vs. Mystique... ?
- Conflict Climax Character Change!!!! Superman vs Thor
- dark phoenix vs xmen jla and avengers
- Thor (vs) The New Avengers
- Samurai Jack Vs. Batman
- Mr. M vs Molecule Man vs Franklin Richards
- Desak The god Slayer vs Hercules
- Mangog vs Hulk
- Green Arrow vs Wolverine
- rogue vs poison ivey
- Adam West and Burt Ward vs George Clooney and Chris O'Donnell
- Marvel powerhouses vs. DC powerhouses
- Asmodel vs. "Kingdom Comes" Gog
- iron man vs ice man
- Captain America Vs Karate Kid
- Batman vs. V
- Composite Juggernaut vs...
- hello kitty vs garfield
- V vs. Spawn
- Young Avengers vs. New X-men (Academy X)
- Cutest Couple
- Rune King Thor,Mangaverse Thor & Thor-EL vs Green Lantern Corp
- best tag team
- Black Adam,Ion,Adult kon-el vs RK Thor,Terrax,Sentry
- Adult Kon-el vs Silver Surfer
- Magneto vs Electro & Zzzzax
- Atlas & Rage vs Kurse in a fist fight
- Don Cherry vs. J. Jonah Jameson
- Colossus vs Titania
- Elektra vs. Black Widow and Black Canary
- Wolverine vs Hydroman
- rune king thor vs trion juggernaut
- Black Tarantula & Demogoblin vs Steel & Stingray
- Which is the greatest mental power?
- Gambit vs Electro
- x men vs brothethhood
- iron man vs silver surfer
- Havok,Colossus & Sunfire vs Silver Surfer with a twist
- Superboy(kon-el) vs The Fantastic four
- Batman vs Luke Cage
- Terminus vs Green Lantern
- Beetle & Sandman vs Batman & Booster Gold
- Sandman vs Colossus
- (poll)beta ray bill vs superman
- Magneto Vs Green Lantern
- 2 day sunndipped superman vs cyborg superman
- Morbius Vs. Bloodscream Vs. Vic Slaughter
- fastest man alive vs quicsilver
- rkt thor vs superboy prime
- black adam vs sentry
- altas vs hulk
- A battle btw Onslaught and Thanos...Who will win?
- Movie Blade VS. Movie Batman
- Movie V vs Movie Wolverine
- Movie V vs Movie Wolverine
- The Punisher vs The Joker (with a twist!)
- Blade vs Batman
- Spiderman vs Predator
- Thunderbird vs. Captain America
- Thor and Beta Ray Bill vs Superman and Manhunter
- THe X_World team is sent to help end the Infinite Crisis
- The S.S.O.S.V vs The X-World
- Thor team vs Bizarro team..street fight
- Havok vs. Human Torch
- Who like X-men 3 the movie was it good
- Rogue vs JLU Amazo
- The Human Torch vs The Incredible Hulk
- Colossus vs Sebastian Shaw
- Colossus vs. Solomon Grundy
- Phoenix Force vs. God Force
- Movie Wolverine vs. Movie Thing
- Hellsing Heroes - The Fake Macoy/Grey Fox Versus Magnificent Marvelites : Jinzin/Capt
- V versus The Joker
- movie hulk vs movie thing and movie juggernaut
- classic juggernaut vs darkseid
- 5 th and 10 th dimension Imps, whats it take
- wolverine vs superman
- movie wolverine vs movie green goblin
- movie punisher vs X3 wolverine
- whos the best fighter without superpowers?
- whos the best fighter without superpowers?
- Blade vs. Ghost Rider
- Champion at his potential with the power gem vs Hunter/Prey Doomsday & Lobo
- Battle Of Power
- This team vs JLA
- Abomination (in his prime) vs classic juggernaut
- Can a Green Lantern will himself too...