- Savage Hulk vs JLA
- sesshomaru vs superman
- doom vs iron man
- Count Nefaria vs Graviton
- What can stop Richards/Summers Families
- Spike Spigel vs DareDevil
- Silver Surfer vs Captain America
- CABLE {without psionic powers and with his scimitar} vs CAPTAIN AMERICA
- Mr. Mxyzptlk VS. The Living Tribunal
- Doom in the Destroyer Armor runs the Gauntlet..
- Real Street Battle, Moonknight v Grendl v Daredevil v Batman
- Classic Jugs vs D.C Earth: In a Game of Rochambeau!!
- Asgardian Destroyer Runs The Gauntlet..
- Superman would crush Gladiator
- Cable/Domino vs Batman/Nightwing
- Super Soldier Scrap.
- thanos(supreme power) vs. anybody
- Apocalypse vs The Manhunter and Captein Marvel
- Kurse vs Cyborg Superman and Batman 1Million
- deadpool vs quicksilver
- Savage Hulk(present) vs. The most powerful person in the marvel universe
- Devil Hulk vs Savage Hulk
- Spider-Man & Gladiator VS. Batman & Superman
- Doctor Doom vs. Leader
- Silver Surfer vs Doomsday
- Ultimate Colossus VS. Wonder Man
- Daredevil VS. Wildcat
- Dr.Strange vs Sentry
- All Universes collide(physically)
- REMATCH!!!! Colonel Flagg vs Shining Knight and Vigilante
- Hulk: The end vs. Maestro
- Rhino and Abomination versus Thing and Colossus
- Molecule Man vs Mr. Mxyzptlk
- GL Kyle Rayner Versus Black Bolt
- Doomsday and Brainiac attack marvel Earth
- The Midnight Sons & The Witches VS. The Titans
- Wendigo vs. The Abomination
- Porunga, in a human form from dbz against evrbody and everything from marvel, dc, etc
- Strongest form of Hercules ever vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Marvel/DC Fist Fighting Tournament!!! Class 100's and up!!!
- Hawkman vs. Captain America
- Golden Oldie Vs.apocalypse
- Wolverine vs. Bigby Wolf
- Imperiex Invades The Realm Of... Shuma Gorath!!!
- the fallen one vs. the keeper
- Current Thing and Mindless Hulk vs. Mister Hyde and Classic Juggernaut
- Apocalypse vs Rita from Power Rangers
- Mindless Hulk vs. Thanos in a Fist Fight
- Black Bolt vs Apocalypes.
- Marv from Sin City vs HellBoy
- Marvel vs DC with a twist
- Maestro vs. Savage Hulk
- Superman Captain Marvel and The Manhunter vs Parasite Rogue and Absorbing Man
- Who can take Beta Ray Bill's planet busting shots from BRB Saga???
- PacMan vs Q-bert
- Solid Snake Vs Black Panther
- Galactus and Heralds are going to consume DC Earth
- Solid Snake Vs Batman
- Solid Snake vs Wolverine
- savage hulk vs aoa sabertooth
- Spectre (Without Aproval) vs Galactus
- Superboy and Supergirl vs Rogue and Vision and WonderMan
- Batman vs. Captain America...a round of golf!
- You be Dr. Frankenstein.....
- legion of angels vs marvel earth
- Who could take down Tyrant Thanos and Champion that are not above a Sky Father
- Morg Doomsday and Kurse vs Superman with a twist
- What can Galactus do to the ... irresistible force of HULK KILLER HUMANOID ?
- Black Bolt vs Fantastic Four
- Superman vs X-Man
- Deseks-Slayer of Gods vs Superman Captain Marvel and Manhunter
- Captain Atom vs Hulk
- Kenshin vs. Guts
- Forgotten One in Armor and Karkas vs Captain Marvel and Green Lantern
- Doomsday vs. The Fury
- Black Bolt vs Black Canary vs Banshee
- who will the street tourney?(predictions)
- Ultimate Juggernaut vs. Ultimate Colossus
- The Hulk Vs Wolvie/Spidey and Donkey Kong
- classic jugernaut and black adam vs captain marvel and hulk (savage)
- Absorbing Man vs Superman Superboy and Supergirl with a twist
- Colossus and Thing versus Hercules
- Donna Troy (Current) vs. the Thing
- Banshee vs. Captain America
- Starfox (Eros and Captain Mar-Vell vs Both Green lantern's
- Dr.Fate vs Sundipped Superman
- Superman's Heat Vision vs. Cyclops' Optic Blast
- Who can Take Superman's Hardest Punch
- Forge and Bishop Cable with prep vs Darkseid and Kalibak
- Shuma Gorath vs. Blackheart
- fully fed galactus & the keeper vs. 3 average celestials
- Prometheus versus Taskmaster.
- Lara Croft vs Nightwing
- Lobo vs Doomsday.
- which individual is more powerful than Galactus ?
- Thanos vs. The Beyonder
- Unicron versus Galactus.
- Krona & Thanos w/ IG vs. The Beyonder & The Anti-Monitor
- spectre,pharallax,robin(tim drake) vs king thor,thanos,sabertooth
- batgirl(cass),nightwing,daredevil vs deadpool,deathstroke,bullseye
- Shang Chi V's Taskmaster
- batman,superman,superboy vs daredevil,wolverine,gladitor
- superboy vs wolverine
- The Keeper versus King Thor
- Majestic and Zealot vs Superman and Batman
- The Keeper, Rune King Thor, Trion Juggernaut versus Galactus
- ultimate Colossus VS. the U.S army
- Thor's Team goes against a Team Gauntlet how far do they get?
- Coheed vs. Cambria
- best hero vs. hero fight
- Silver Surfer vs. Scarlett Witch
- Thing vs. Sabertooth
- Colossus vs. Sabertooth
- Wolverine vs. Cannonball
- Absorbing Man vs Green Lantern Kyle
- original thunderbird vs warpath
- revamped catman vs wolverine
- Classic Ikaris vs Gotham City
- Onslaught & Apocalypse and MAGNI vs Tyrant and Darkseid
- Pick 3 Womens Tourney
- Hulks Villains vs DC Earth.
- Yum Yum Comics Creamy Beaver (yum, yum comics) v Squirrel girl
- All the DC villians vs. all the Marvel heroes
- Squirrel Girl v Magneto
- Pick 3
- The new avengers vs. The wrecker.
- Poison Ivy vs. Spider-woman (Pheremone/Toxin Immunity Battle)
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Captain Marvel
- Longshot, Archangel, Daredevil, Iron fist (as Heralds of Galactus) vs. The Fantastic
- The Wrecker vs Wolverine
- Cannoball vs the Blob
- Abomination vs Ultimate Colossus
- blob vs tyler durden
- superboy vs spiderman
- Oh my God! It's Jplatinum Baby!
- Composite Superman vs 8th Day Juggernaut
- Mon el v Gladiator
- Photon vs Dr light
- Gl ring vs Quantum bands
- Death's Head vs Savage Hulk
- Preacher vs. The Skull
- Phoenix (telepathy only) vs Invisible Woman
- meggadon invades MARVEL EARTH!
- Wonder Woman vs Cosmics
- Marvel & DC Home Run Derby
- Rachel Summers (Current) vs. the Invisible Woman
- Batman vs nightwing
- Jesus vs. Superman
- Dr Fate and Dr Strange Vs Dr. Byron Orpheus
- Doc Ock and Venom,Carnage vs Gotham Villans
- who can punch take spiderman's hardest punch?
- FF vs Dr.Strange
- Omega Red vs Carnage
- Emma Frost vs. Sue Richards (mental assault).
- The Weaponeers of Qward vs. Marvel Earth
- Hector Hammond vs. Professor Charles Xavier
- Superman and Wonder Woman vs Gladiator and the Incredible Hulk
- Thanos vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
- colossus vs cyclops and iceman
- JLA Vs Zom
- The Starheart vs. Dr. Strange
- Mangog vs Black Bolt and Interloper and Ikaris
- Sersi vs. the Fantastic Four
- Hulk VS. quicksilver (before he was enhanced by high evolutionary) in a race
- Silver Surfer and all the Heralds Vs king Thor
- Cosmic Spidey Vs king/lord Thor
- Titania vs Stunner
- Surtur and Thanos vs DC Earth
- Rose Tyler with BADWOLF power v Phoenix
- Rose Tyler with Badwolf powers v Galactus
- Jenny Fractal v Rachael Summers as Phoenix
- The Eternals vs. Doomsday
- Thanos vs. Godstalker
- Godstalker vs. JLA
- black adam and captain marvel vs marvel universe
- Shaggy Man v Juggernaut
- Composite Superman vs Thanos
- Superboy vs Spidergirl
- Ghost rider Versus Galactus
- Weapon X vs Current Wolverine
- Trion Juggernaut vs DC Earth
- Legolas vs Snake Eyes
- A team vs Earth 616 Blob
- Iron man vs. thor(fist fight)
- Wolverine vs Jubilee
- The Six vs. Spider-Man
- The Injustice Society vs. The New Avengers
- AOA Holocaust and Mimic T-Bird vs Superman Dr Doom and Green Lantern
- wolverine vs vadar
- ultimate savage hulk vs post hr hulk
- Vash the stampede and Kenshin himura versus solid snake and cyber ninja
- Scarlet Witch Raven and Jennifer Kale vs Superman
- Beta ray bill vs black adam
- The X-Men vs Thanos
- Fantastic Four vs. these non-psionic X-men!
- hulk vs jubilee
- I hate Whirly vs The KMC Forum
- Onslaught vs. Apocalypse
- Marvel Gods vs. New Gods
- GL Corp vs Xandar Space Corps
- Joker vs Robin
- Mephisto and Satannish vs Trigon and Malebolgia
- Hulk Vs. Kratos (from God of War VG on PS2/XBox)
- Whirlysplatt v ME
- Batman vs daredevil
- wolverine level charcters vs wolverine
- Deadpool VS Wolverine
- Agent Smith(Matrix 3) vs Grey Hulk
- MarVell vs. Black Bolt
- Battle Of The Summer Offsrings
- Juggernaut66666 vs Rupaul
- Brock Samson vs Cage
- Ghost Rider vs. Spawn
- Jill Valentine(Guillory) vs. the bride(uma thurman)
- devil jin vs. spiderman
- blade vs. spiderman
- Batman vs. Aragorn...swordfight!
- Silver Surfer versus Classic Juggernaut
- Mr Impossible and Mr. Mxyzptlk vs Darkseid and Thanos
- Nick Fury VS. Punisher... Fist Fight!!!
- Daredevil VS. Green Arrow(Ollie)
- A Strength and Power Marvel and DC Team vs Darkseid Thanos and Silver Surfer
- Team Cosmic VS. Solaris
- He-man vs anybody
- Galactus Full Power VS. Solaris Full Power
- Apocalypse vs Ra's al Ghul
- The Bride (Kill Bill) Vs Ash (Evil Dead)
- "Who Can Defeat the Ultimates Single-Handedly?" Gauntlet.
- Green Arrow versus Bullseye.
- Molecule Man, Exodus, Demogorge and Thanos Invade . . . MARVEL EARTH!
- Flash vs Quicksilver
- Can Anyone beat trion juggernaut?
- Superman 1million, Darkseid(original) vs Thanos, Gladitor
- The Human Torch VS. 4 Predators
- Tug of war: Current Hercules vs. Savage Hulk
- Rune Thor vs. Trion Juggernaut
- Current Hercules vs. Spiderman and Current Thing
- Warbird vs. Starfire
- The Eternals vs. DC Invasion
- The Thing , Savage Hulk vs Maestro Hulk
- Thanos, Darkseid (original one who scared everyone) vs Superman 1 million , Hulk
- human torch vs starbolt vs starfire
- these powerful x-men VS the fantastic four
- Dr. Doom vs. 5 Predators w/
- Rune King Thor VS. Team Superman
- Darth Vader vs Batman