View Forum: Battlezone
- Wonder Woman vs Superman BZ Delta vs Carver9
- !!!!!!!!!!!! Bentley vs Darksaint [Spring Tourney FINAL] !!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!! Damborg vs Bentley [Spring Tourney Semi-final] !!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!! Smurph vs Darksaint [Spring Tourney Semi-final] !!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!! Beatboks vs Leo vs Bentley [Spring Tourney Semi Final Spot] !!!!!!!!!!!!
- Magneto vs Wally West/Cyborg
- !!!!!!!!!!!! Darksaint vs Bentley [Spring Tourney quarter final] !!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!! Leo vs Smurph [Spring Tourney quarter final] !!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!! Damborg vs Beatboks [Spring Tourney quarter final] !!!!!!!!!!!!
- COSMIC TURKEY SHOWDOWN!!!! GS vs. abhilegend!!!!
- [Holiday Tourney - FINAL!] Darksaint vs Bentley
- [Holiday Tourney - Semi-Finals] Damborgson vs Bentley
- [Holiday Tourney - Semi-Finals] Darksaint vs Mr Mind
- Kasumi Kenshiro vs Grappler Baki
- BZ (City tier and under) ?
- Martian vs SuperMutant - Greatest Hero BZ Finale
- !!!Herald Tourney: FINAL!!! Philosophia vs. Martian_mind vs. Supermutant
- !!!Herald Tourney!!! abhilegend vs. Martian_mind
- !!!Herald Tourney!!! DarkSaint85 vs. Supermutant
- !!!Herald Tourney!!! Philosophia vs. MrMind
- Any participants for this topic? Reed Richard v Bruce
- Battlezone: Supermutant vs Alberto
- Supermutant vs Beatboks - TGH - SEMI FINALS
- battlezone request
- BestEverNoob vs Beatboks - The Greatest Hero
- Supermutant vs Mr. Mind - The Greatest Hero
- EmperorThanos vs MartianMind- The Greatest Hero
- Battlezone Request
- Battlezone: AlbertAnvil vs. Supermutant! (rematch)
- Battlezone! Philosophia/Thor vs. Damborgson/Hal Jordan
- Battlezone: AlbertAnvil vs. Supermutant!
- The One True King: MrMind vs Anvil
- Low Meta Championship of the World Title Tussle
- DC vs Marvel open challenge
- Thanos vs Darkseid
- Darksaint vs AlbertoJohnAvil - KMC vs Comicvine
- Battlezone a Viner! AlbertoJohnAvil vs Damborgson
- Cav
- Battlezone: Philosophia vs. Damborgson
- The Trans Tier Tournament !
- KO vs. Steven Universe in 2018 "Spoiler"
- Leo's Secret Wars!!1! Abhi vs PG
- Leo's Secret Wars!!1! Leo vs Borgson!
- Leo's Secret Wars: Rd 1: PG vs Deathslash
- Leo's Secret War!!1! Rd 1: Mutant vs Abhi
- Leo's 4th (or 5th??) annual SECRET WARS!11!
- Surfer or Superman: who does better
- Apocalypse vs Ebony Maw (Josh-Alexander vs quanchi112) [challenge]
- BATTLEZONE! Superman vs Spectrum, Leonidas vs Baziemarc123
- BATTLEZONE! WWH vs Magneto, Philosophia vs Damborgson
- BZ Challenge to h1: Hulk Leviathan Punch
- Battlezone To Settle An Argument - Team Vs Team
- If He Be Worthy - FINALS - SuperMutant vs Leonidas
- .
- If He Be Worthy - Leonidas VS LORDOFBROOKLYN
- If He Be Worthy - ID vs SUPERMUTANT
- If He Be Worthy - ID VS BEATBOKS
- Silent Master versus Josh Alexander
- Low Meta Tournament
- High Meta Tourney - FINAL - Supermutant vs Smurph
- High Meta Tourney Semi-Finals - DarkSaint vs Smurph
- High Meta Tourney Semi-Finals - Supermutant vs Damborg
- High Meta Tourney quarter final - Martian Mind vs Smurph
- High Meta Tourney quarter final - Supermutant vs Deathslash
- High Meta Tourney quarter final - Damborgson vs LoB
- High Meta Tourney quarter final - DarkSaint vs Beatboks
- KMC Tournament of Power
- leo's secret war!1!--digi v phil
- Leo vs Darksaint - Amalgam Tier Wars part I
- leo's Secret Wars!!1!
- Grail vs the Cabal
- Captain America (MCU) vs Green Arrow (New 52)
- Battlezone: Gladiator Vs Thor
- Garou: Rock Howard vs. Street Fighter: Sakura Kasugano
- Galactus (LordofBrooklyn) vs Odin (:3)
- Anybody want to have a Galactus vs Odin debate with me?
- KMC High Herald Tournament!
- BLAIR WIND vs CARVER9 (mid-herald tournament)
- DARKSAINT85 vs SMURPH (mid-herald tournament)
- High Meta 2v2 Championship Battle
- High Meta Team Discussion Thread
- KMC Title Belt Rankings
- High-Herald Title Fight: leonidas vs "Id"
- BEATBOKS vs SMURPH (mid herald tournament)
- BLAIR WIND vs DECTER (mid-herald tournament)
- High Meta Championship11!!!! Digi V Scoob!!1
- CARVER vs SCOOBLESS (Mid-herald tournament)
- DARKSAINT vs LordofBrooklyn (mid-herald tournament)
- High-herald title fight: Abhilegend vs "ID"
- Grand Finale - abhilegend vs Scoobless
- LordofBrooklyn VS Psycho Gundam: THE BRAWL FOR IT ALL
- LeoTaint vs DarkSaint: Filler Battle of the Century
- KMC Tournament - abhilegend vs beatboks
- KMC Tournament - Leonidas vs Scoobless
- Battlezone!!! LoB vs DS
- KMC Tournament - psycho gundam vs Scoobless
- Superman V.S tzeentch.
- KMC Tournament - Ambient vs LordofBrooklyn vs Leonidas
- KMC Tournament - DarkSaint vs beatboks
- The "Lose to Luke" High Meta Sweepstakes!
- Low Herald Tournament Odds
- Low Meta Amalgam 3 Way Title Fight
- Melinda May Vs The Black Widow
- Batman vs Boba Fett
- Psycho Gundam vs Supermutant vs Werewolf Battlezone discussion
- KMC Secret Wars: Leo vs Existere
- Kmc's Very Public War 3-way Bz!!!11!
- KMC Very Public War #1
- First Age Spawn VS First Martian Manhunter
- KMC Secret Wars: Scoobs vs Existere
- KMC Secret Wars: Leo vs Digi
- High-Meta Tournament, anyone interested?
- KMC Secret Wars! Eyes Only--You Know Who You Are...
- Can Silver Surfer Going all out Harm Juggrernauat at all
- Continuing the BZ between me and Carver.
- What are some good BZ's
- Was the Sentry weakened during his battle with WWH? One_Angry_Scot vs Carver9
- Challenge carver9 to Silver Surfer vs Hulk
- carTer9 i challenge you to the BZ
- Judges Needed-Delta vs Thingy
- Carver vs Time
- Hulk's strength - Already have judges!!!
- New here, looking for a debate
- Squad vs Squad BZ anyone
- Thor vs Dr. Strange-Judges needed
- Anyone up from a BZ?
- WL Kyle Rayner VS RK Thor
- Fun Fun Fun Tourney
- MID HERALD CLASHHH!!1!1 leo v cadence
- High Street Battlezone Challenge: Angel vs. Elektra
- high herald match cadencev2 vs Supermutant
- Battlezone judges?
- Low Herald Contender Match: He-Man vs Godzilla!!!
- Battlezone Interest Thread
- Sebastian Shaw (X-Men Legend 1) vs Vixen (Supermutant)
- Low Herald Title Bout: Leo vs Phil!11!
- BZ Tag Team Street/Low Meta Challenge
- Deathstroke vs blade
- DC VS. Marvel-mentality ?
- Speed Contest! Quicksilver vs Flash vs Superman
- KMC Mid-Herald Belt Battlezone: Abhilegend vs Smurph
- Battlezone: Khan Noonien Singh vs. Darth Vader
- Battlezone: Khan Noonien Singh vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Khan Noonien Singh
- Battlezone: Khan Noonien Singh vs. Darth Vader
- Curry's Tourney's Finals: Id vs Digi
- Age of Ultron: THANOS edition!
- Battlezone: CDB vs. Beatboks
- KMC Writer's Tournament: Issue Four
- Curry's Tourney Match 7; Digi vs Psycho Gundam
- Curry's tourney Match 6; Id vs Charlotte
- Curry's tourney Match 5; Charlotte vs Beatboks
- Curry's Tourney match 4; Leo vs Psycho G
- KMC Writer's Tournament: Issue Three
- Curry's tourney Match 3; Chipguy vs ID
- Curry's tourney Match 2; Digi vs Abhi
- Curry's tourney Match 1; Psycho G vs Beat B
- Curry's Tournament Odds!
- Curryman's Tourney Amalgams/Matchups!
- Curryman's Tourney Draft-thread (Powers)
- Curryman's Tourney Draft-thread (Mind)
- Curryman's Tourney Draft-thread (Body)
- Curryman's Meta-Amalgam Tourney!
- KMC Writer's Tournament: Issue Two
- KMC Writer's Tournament: Issue One
- KMC Writer's Pitch
- KMC Writer's Tournament
- Digi vs. Damborgson: Thor Battlezone Challenge
- KMC High-Meta Championship
- KMC Mid-Herald Championship #2
- KMC Mid Herald Championship
- KMC Title Belt Championship Battlezone
- Naija Boy vs Newjak WBH strength Battlezone
- Earth-2 Superman vs. Earth-22 Superman Battlezone Discussion
- Naija Boy vs Newjak WBH strength Battlezone
- X-men vs Spider Villains
- JtB's "JLA vs. Avengers" Entry Thread
- Avengers vs. JLA: Battlezone Challenge
- Letters vs Dum Dum Dugan BattleZone discussion thread
- Battlezone Discussion: Naija boy vs Newjak. WBHulk vs FP Kuurth. Strength comparison
- Letters vs Dum Dum Dugan BattleZone
- Battlezone: "Mordru vs King Thor
- The Official: "Mordru vs King Thor" Battlezone Disccusion.
- Trinity vs. The Big Three
- Long Pig`s possible high meta/streetlevel Amalgam tourney discussion.
- Dear Digimark, would you mod a tourney? I only trust you to be fair.
- I want another amalgalm tourny. What do?
- Simbon's Broken Science Tourney
- inimalist's Tournament - F4 vs Dogs of War
- inimalist's Tournament - KIA vs Mutant X
- inimalist's Tournament - Based Gods vs Time Conquerors
- The Official inimalist Odds Thread.
- Who can beat current Madara?
- inimalist's Tournament - Redraft
- Gladiator (kallark) vs Thor Odinson -- strength feats
- inimalist's Tournament - Based Gods vs Mutant X
- inimalist's Tournament - KIA vs F4
- inimalist's Tournament - Themes!
- inimalist's Tournament - Drafts: Round 3
- Delph's League of Champions, Season 2.1 Discussion Thread
- inimalist's Tournament - Drafts: Round 2
- inimalist's Tournament - Drafts: Round 1
- Battle Zone Match Starscream vs Dum Dum Dugan
- inimalist's Tournament
- Dr. Fate - Dr. Strange “Challenge”
- Captain America (Steve) vs Cassandra Cain
- Battlezone: Bentley vs BBZ vs Gundam
- Battlezone discussion: BBZ vs Bentley vs GOD (aka PG to you lower life forms)
- candid kandy odds
- Kandy's Tourney, Round 2 Match 2
- Kandy's Tourney, Round 2 Match 1
- King Kandy's Tourney Round 1, Match 2
- King Kandy's Tourney Round 1, Match 1
- Battlezone match: BBZ vs Psycho Gundam (for no real reason lol)
- Guess who game? King Kandy's tourney..
- thor vs silver surfer (tournament style)
- King Kandy's Tourney, Draft 3:
- Superman vs Nate (tournament style)
- Nate Grey Summers vs Norrin Radd (tournament style)
- Superman vs Silver Surfer (tournament style)
- King Kandy's Tourney: Draft 2
- King Kandy's Tourney: Draft 1
- King Kandy's Super Tourney!
- Challenge: Cosmic Powers - Magic
- Battlezone Discussion Thread
- Which tier-tourney do you prefer?
- Leo's Tourny--TEH FINALZ!!!!!!1!
- Playoff Match 2--Digi vs BW
- Playoff Match 1--CDB vs Gundam
- CDB vs smurph--Pool A--Match 3
- Digi vs BW--Pool B--Match 3
- Battle of the Twelve Houses: "Gold Saint Challenge"!!!
- Leo's Tourney--Match 2--Pool B--Digi vs Gundam
- Leo's Tourney--Match 2--Pool A--CDB vs Omega
- match 1--POOL B--bw vs gundam
- match 1--POOL A--smurph vs omega
- Leo's Tourney Odds Thread
- RD3 DRAFT for LEO's TOURNEY!!!!1@!!
- RD2 DRAFT for LEO's TOURNEY!!!1!!@
- RD1 DRAFT!!11!#! for LEO'S TOURNEY!!!!
- Leo's Tourney!!!
- Tournament Discussion Thread
- Battle Zone Colossus-Big C
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