View Forum: The Matrix Movies
- The Matrix after Revolutions? (Spoilers)
- favorite scene in the matrix movies
- After Revolutions: Now would u really want to get out of the Matrix?
- UPDATED - Frequently discussed Topics (newcomers, please read)!!
- My theories *SPOILERS*
- Order
- Leading String Physicist on the Matrix!
- Reanimated One!!!
- What was you favorite effects shot?
- My last night on the forumn.
- No More Matrix.
- The Merv a buddy of one of the other "Ones"
- I understood everything, I will explain everything (Spoilers)
- Muslims
- What Answer?
- Trinity - name and meaning
- what did you think off the revolutions?
- The Bread Day Comic?
- Muza 25 19
- I didn't get the ending
- anyone have alternate endings to revolutions?
- Matrix Revolutions Ending - SPOILERS PROBABLE
- alternate explanation revolutions
- Oracle Mother of the Matrix???
- The Conclusion (of course...SPOILERS)
- Hmmm...
- Hardcore fans please read
- Neo and Merv (very minor spoiler)
- did anybody notice.........
- Pleh! {Any Joey fans should understand} SPOILERS
- What was your theater like?
- zion rave/ club hell
- weird
- **Spoiler**Can't post a title
- From the LotR forum
- -revolutions Disc-
- The Matrix restarted
- Matrix questions
- I havent seen revo yet, but...
- The Super Brawl *M3 SPOILERS*
- Matrix Names
- Twin Figures
- Matrix Revolutions Ending Theory
- Cookies!!
- Heres how I think the movie should have ended.. Brief story inside.
- Best Scene (Spoilers)
- quizz
- Catharism (little spoile)
- Interesting Revolutions Review from (Spoilers)
- Neo's Body....SPOILER!!
- Z10n0101
- I protect that which matters most
- My Opinions of the Matrix Universe - SPOILERS!!!
- The Indian Connection(revolutions)
- screw all the hex and binary crap
- Ok , just seen it for a second time at IMAX...
- Carefulwiththespoilers!!!
- Could the Matrix really happen?
- The Mistakes of filming in the First Matrix
- My gift to the Matrix Threads
- "You're always right"
- The Little Girl
- Originally posted by Furiae
- Anti-Spoilers
- Matrix Comic Hex Code? Look to the Oracle?
- anyone care to explain - m3 - spoilers?
- how to do Hex code
- My best guess.
- What was the point of Neo's Clothes Changing? (Spoilers)
- The Matrix/ Breaking News
- Is It Good!
- how was smith deleted?
- The Trainman and Mobil Avenue
- Look around in this forum..........
- Has anyone... (spoiler link)
- Matrix Action Figures Series 2
- Not a strong mind after all??? eh
- It was obivous!
- Question about NEO not dying from Smith slamming him into the road in M3
- I'd like an opinion on revolutions from somebody who didnt like reloaded
- Philosophy thread (after Revolutions)
- The "fields"? *very minor revos spoilers*
- What the heck is revolutions about????
- Views on this subject in Revo!
- Down with Evil Critics!!
- Wait a minute here...*revos spoilers*
- First post (I have seen Revo so might be some SPOILERS)
- Silly new user thought *spoiler* kinda
- Awww
- Revolutions on Imax
- Trinity - What gun is she packing?
- I don't like the end of matrix
- Those Who've Already Seen Revolutions Only!!!
- im confused
- The Best Part Of Revoltions
- To bad We didnt get to see..........
- who is smith?
- Matrix Questions
- Pirate/Downloadable Revolutions
- To The Usual Suspects: Your Revolution? (Spoilers)
- Rate the Movie!
- Lemme explain somink 2 u n00bs!
- In Memory of Thomas Anderson PT2
- Matrix Revolutions explained in mytholgy (Spoilers)
- Revo
- its been nice - but goodbye
- Omg
- Tired Hiker's take on REVO.
- Superbrawl=Dragonball Z
- flood of crap
- What is the Matrix teaching our youth?
- can someone put the matrix 3 into a simple explanation
- My opinoin of Matrix REV. and what 'being free' REALLY means...
- For those of u who didn't like Revolutions
- RELOADED: "BLACK-TRIX" or "Matrix" ? ( Nothing personal, just a little confused
- Favourite Part of Revolutions?
- If your pen1s is small, that's because you've lost some BITS. Not sure, but i gues so
- True Meaning of EYES OF THE ORACLE
- I think I've figured one thing out
- Stressing a little too hard!!!
- morpheous is on tv tonight
- the meaning of this..?
- was REVOLUTIONS a program made with the purpouse of dissapoint the entire humanity?
- After the credits
- Who Thinks Revolutions Was Useless !!!
- A Few Revolutions Questions (please help)
- Who is...?
- whoes your faverite character?
- For those who did not like revo
- That hit me as a Shock
- neo...alive...dead?
- i didnt see m3 yet...
- Did the Architect Lie? (Spoilers)
- have you been to the \ since you saw rev?
- Revolutions on DVD?
- another korri thread - SPOILERS
- Matrix - Did it need 2 sequels?
- OMG Revolution rules !
- the inevitable poll
- Urgent
- What was complete nonsense then?
- Did anyone else find the ending very dissapointing? {spoilers}
- Fav Revos Quotes!!! - spoilers...
- SMITH question, spoilers
- Did Ya Know He Was Gonna Do THat?
- Revolution question...........
- Revolutions Spoilers
- The OFFICIAL "For those who've seen Revolutions"
- SPOILER- Seraph?
- The Blue Thread
- Spoilers - Revos Question
- So......who would have thought it.....
- Matrix Revolutions Today!!!!!!!!
- the one? Rev spoiler
- I have a couple unanswered questions about Reloaded
- wow...
- Morpheus Hand Gesture
- Mobil Avenue Is Limbo
- Unfair Metacortex (possible spoiler if someone replies)
- was revos better the reloaded (NO SPOILERS)
- Rev-Read if you have seen it only.
- Does anybody here.........
- the cookies!
- Revolution Opinions (Spoilers)
- Just got back from seeing it....?
- Just saw it! But still don't know what happened...
- SCREW THE CRITICS (no spoilers)!!!
- Ive Seen Ittttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Matrix Fan Survey... thing.
- We should be there right now!!!!!
- Im sitting in an internet
- The Matrix Dialogues Parodies
- 7 hours
- Last minute post of a Theory for all to view
- do you think morph will land his hi jump the crash into the ground with his knne move
- funny thing about cypher...
- How Can IT Be?
- for anybody whos scared
- It Ends Tonight!
- Who would win???
- Revolutions does not sound too promising
- neo's confidence boost
- Just an odd coincidence...
- Motif of 3
- Coming down the stretch, is the real world MWAM or not !!?
- only enter if you've seen revo..let's talk about it
- Something I noticed in Reloaded and Animatrix
- Interesting, final frame of code drizzle in matrix revolutions
- Smiths Gift to Neo
- hello
- noob question
- Girl on a mission
- Browsing through the movie listings tomorrow.....
- Pre-Show Party
- Did anyone else get this?
- funny things to do after zero hour
- Where will you be at Zero-Hour?
- 24 Hours to go!
- SPOILER: Thousands of Neo clones!
- Slight Character Spoiler (Twins)
- The only way to see it!
- wednesday???
- Seraph Vs. Agent - A thread only 4 today
- Explain this OK ?!
- 4th "suprise" movie
- Sigs!
- The LOOP.
- going to see it tuesday!!! in california..will post spoilers after watching
- The "Quit Night" Revolutions Poll odds
- See Revolutions in IMAX !
- Are Trinity and Neo connected?
- Did you like The Matrix Reloaded?
- Who knows the most about the Matrix?
- What's the coolist scene in Realoded?
- true hollywood story KEANU REEVES
- Lack of Reviews (and Mixed Reviews at that)
- matrix and korri
- Can you defeat an agent?
- Regarding Imax screenings...
- Reeves is too grumpy
- Can neo copy himself like smith?
- I'm taking Wednesday off work!
- Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception
- Making of Revolutions
- Matrix enlightenment
- Whats the point of neo touching the miror in M1
- Movie SIG
- The Eyes of the Oracle?
- Is 3 enough?
- The Matrix Online - What you expect, hope for, or know about it
- New (to me) TV Spot
- Super Brawl
- Any help would be appreciated
- Erleuchtet
- who do you think will die in revo.
- the Erinnyes
- Sacrilage!
- Does anybody realize this?
- did anyone
- The Matrix Revolutions
- I Seen Matrix Revolutions Thread!
- 3 Movies?
- The Hallway Purpose
- MAD TV Revoultions Premeir
- Neo says, "I dont know."
- Soo obvious that its never been mentioned...
- edible programs
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